Saturday, April 16, 2011

ES2007S Recyclists Project Presentation


  1. Hi Wellens,

    I thought you had very good content, and handled the Q&A session very well. I especially liked your answer to my question on the sustainability of recycling plants compared to incineration plants, in which you mentioned "degenerative investment".

    One thing about the delivery is that your nervousness is quite obviously shown in your body language and voice - both were shaky. I guess it's just a case of "practice makes perfect".


  2. Hi Wellens,

    I can sense your nervousness during the presentation, no worries about that because i believe everyone feels the same too when it comes to presentation.

    Probably one thing to highlight would be your non-verbals. While watching the video, i realized that you have quite a fair bit of hand movement which was a bit distracting. You might want to take note of that for your future presentations :)

    Overall, you have done a good job and i must acknowledge the fact that you really put in a great deal of effort in preparing for this presentation.

    btw, i really like your group's proposal. 50%-60% rebate is really enticing! :)

    cyn :D

  3. Hey Wellens,

    Well the good point I would say about your presentation was you had generally given your eye contact to every corner of the classroom, though you might want to angle your head forward and keenly look at someone in the eye for more powerful persuasive effect.

    The bad points would be that your body was 'dancing' from side to side, front and back, and it was very distracting. You would need to learn how to stand firmly on your 2 feet, and never move from side to side. Press your stomach in, and expand your chest out, that way your center of gravity is directly below you, and because of that, you will feel magnetized to the ground, you would feel like you are held by gravity so stable against the ground, and you would not think or want to move, you would be comfortable!!!

    Also, you lack elocution and by implication, energy, power, enthusiasm, fluency, confidence, power, persuasion. All these factors depend on very strong elocution, which not only you lack, but almost every student in ES2007s except for a few rare and exceptional ones, who even if they are rare and exceptional, they are only so on relative terms. I thought Zoe had pretty good elocution, you should learn from her and listen to her presentation again.

    I really like Zoe's elocution, the best female one I've heard. The best male one I've heard is Luqman. So maybe you should learn from Luqman, not Zoe, because you need to do elocution like a guy, not a girl!!

    If you master your elocution, your tonality will come, your persuasion will come, your energy, volume, passion, confidence, energy will all come naturally without you rummaging for it!!!

    Cheers to Wellens!!
